Friday, March 20, 2009

Presidents on Parade

Last Sunday we had the traditional St. Patrick's Day parade in my hometown of Rocky Point, New York. This was the first year Michael really got into it. We stood for about 2 hours watching marching bands, fire trucks and boy scouts. Of course I spent most of my time talking approximately 800 pictures and Michael stood by my side the whole time.

One photo is Michael with our US Congressman, Tim Bishop and NYS Assemblyman Marc Alessi. Marc sponsored a bill for vaccine exemptions and has been VERY supportive of our community. Congressman Bishop has been too. He also has a nephew with Aspergers (a form of autism).

Anyway, there was this funny moment when the Rocky Point Historical Society came marching down 25A. They had a couple dressed as Mr. & Mrs. Abraham Lincoln. Michael saw them and his eyes got really wide. He LOVES LOVES LOVES presidents right now. He gets about 10 books a week on presidents from the library and read them over and over. Right now he's learning about first ladies.

Michael points to the group and says "Look, it's someone dressed like Abe Lincoln!". I was laughing to myself thinking, "Most kids would rather see Derek Jeter or Brittany Spears. But, MY son's favorite people right now are the US Presidents".

Last month we visited Monticello in Virginia, Thomas Jefferson's home. I hope this summer to travel around the East Coast as much as possible and visit other president's homes, birth places and graves. There are probably some presidential libraries too along the way.

I'm excited to learn right along side Michael about US history. We really are sharing the experiences. I keep thinking more and more that someday he will go to college- something that I thought at one time was impossible. But, I was wrong-thankfully!

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